is the author of four novels, "Vogel Flies South," "Vogel and the White Bull," "Cave Gossip, and "Grimoire of Stone: A Romance of Water;" and two books of poetry, "Petroglyphs," and "Sea-Snails on a Black Chow’s Tongue or, a Castaway’s Poems in a Bottle."
He divides his time between Frankfurt am Main, Germany and Dallas, Texas.
In 2009, his portal fantasy novel, "Okeanus," was a semi-finalist in the Amazon/Penguin Breakthrough novel contest.
He is currently writing short stories set in an alternate history, code-named: La Ciudad, and working on a new series. The first novel, "The Grimoire of Stone," is finished and available from His next novel "Attis Chapel" is a Heinleinian space opera with Lovecraftian motifs. Set in his La Ciudad series, it further develops the background begun in "Grimoire of Stone."